Wednesday 26 September 2012

EU Ambassadors launch a new project in the area of labour market migration

The Head of the EU Delegation, Ambassador Dirk Schuebel, as well as the Ambassador of Sweden Ingrid Tersman and Ambassador of Italy Stefano De Leo launched on 21 September a new EU-funded project in the area of labour market migration.
The €2 millionproject“Consolidation of migration management capacities in the Republic of Moldova” will be implemented by the Swedish Public Employment Service and will have as primary objective to facilitate legal, circular migration between Moldova and the EU.
„The European Union offers financial and technical support in the implementation of reforms in the Republic of Moldova, including in migration policies. This issue can be confirmed by the European project launched today, which objective is to facilitate and promote circular migration. We are very much convinced that the ambitious activities that the project plans to implement will bring advantages to everybody: country of origin, country of destination and obviously the Moldovan citizens”, stated Ambassador Schuebel.
For further information:

Saturday 22 September 2012

Interviu cu Comisarul Georgieva

Interviu cu Comisarul European pentru Cooperare Internațională, Ajutor Umanitar și Gestionarea Crizelor, Kristalina Georgieva in programul Vector European din 20 septembrie 2012 de la Moldova 1: