Tuesday 9 October 2012

EU Co-operation News #37

We publish a new issue of the EU Co-operation News, newsletter on EU assitance of the EU Delegation to Moldova.
Among the stories covered by the newsletter is the intensive training session provided by the Association for Development and Co-operation within Publika TV headquarter with the support of the EU-funded Support to Confidence Building Measures (SCBM) Programme. During this training 20 journalists, including 10 from the left bank of the Nistru River, learned how to produce news for TV channels, radio stations and websites.
The SCBM Programme contributes to confidence building between both banks of the Nistru River by involving local authorities, civil society organisations, business community and other stakeholders, as well as through ensuring economic and social development of local communities.
For more EU-funded project news and announcements: http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/moldova/press_corner/all_news/news/2012/20121009_1_en.pdf

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Sistem Electronic de Achiziţii Publice

Începând cu 1 octombrie, în Republica Moldova, va funcţiona sistemul electronic de achiziţii publice. 34 de ministere şi agenţii subordonate Guvernului, precum şi şase spitale, finanţate din bugetul de stat, vor fi obligate să posteze pe suport electronic anunţurile privind achiziţiile de produse, lucrări şi servicii.

În acest context, pe parcursul luni septembrie, concomitent cu activităţile de testare a sistemului, în cadrul unui proiect Twinning au avut loc instruiri avansate cu participarea specialiştilor din România, notează Info-Prim Neo.
Expertul Gabriel Dumitru a specificat că acum zece ani, când România a început implementarea sistemului electronic de achiziţii, condiţiile au fost mai puţin favorabile, tehnologiile informaţionale nu erau atât de avansate. Un plus pentru R. Moldova este şi faptul că cei mai mulţi agenţi economici, potenţiali participanţi la licitaţii, au cunoştinţele necesare şi utilizează pe larg calculatorul.
Roxana Popescu, expert din România, a menţionat că implementarea sistemului electronic de achiziţii publice va permite monitorizarea modului în care sunt cheltuiţi banii publici.
Text adaptat şi preluat de pe pagina http://itmoldova.com

Tuesday 2 October 2012

EU Press Club Meeting

Our project is organising today an EU Press Club Meeting entitled "Twinning Projects: EU Assistance for Public Administration Reform in Moldova".
The speakers of the event are:
Mr. Kaido Sirel - Head of Operation Section, Delegation of the European Union to Moldova
Dr. Janos Zakonyi- Team leader of the EU project „Support to the State Chancellery”
Ms. Viorica Carare - President of the Competition Council
Mr. Matthew Brown -  Resident Twining Adviser, Twinning project "Support to Moldova in the field of norms and standards in food safety for plant origin products"
The journalists are invited to Tucano Coffee (http://www.tucano.md/), 91A, Alexandru cel Bun Street at 15:00.

Twinning is an institutional building tool designed by the European Commission to help beneficiary countries in the development of modern and efficient administrations and organisations at central, regional and local level, with the structures, human resources and management skills needed to implement the acquis communautaire to the same standards as the EU Member States.
Twinning provides the framework for administrations in the beneficiary countries to work with their counterparts from the EU Member States. Together they develop and implement Twinning projects that target the transfer, enforcement and implementation of a specific part of the acquis communautaire.
The main distinct feature of the Twinning project is direct exchange of specific national experience in EU legislation implementation.
Twinning has been made accessible to Moldova since 2006. At present ten Twinning projects of almost €11 million are in the process of implementation or are finished in Moldova.
More information on Twinning: http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/where/neighbourhood/overview/twinning_en.htm